Services > UX Exploration

UX Exploration

In-Depth-Interviews (IDIs)

The invisible drivers of consumer behavior: How latent motives influence your customer decisions

Hidden needs, motives, emotions and behavioral dispositions in your target group often have a major influence on measurable purchasing decisions, observable usage behavior, subjective product experience and the specific aspects of recommendations.

In-depth interviews: How to discover latent needs and emotional insights of your target group

Our in-depth interviews offer an effective solution for gaining detailed insights into the thoughts and feelings of your customers. Through intensive, personal interviews, we capture not only explicit but also latent needs and desires of your target group. This qualitative research method enables us to explore deeper psychological and emotional aspects that often remain hidden. Our experts conduct the interviews according to the highest methodological standards and systematically analyze the results in order to derive clear and actionable recommendations for action. In this way, we help you to make well-founded decisions that align your product development and marketing strategies precisely with the needs of your customers. The insights gained lead to innovative solutions that sustainably increase both customer satisfaction and business success.

How we ensure that real added value is created

The interviews are conducted by experts who are trained in both interviewing and exploration.

We respond flexibly to ideas, perceptions and impressions in the interviews and can thus get the best out of the interview and thus out of the study.

We have years of experience in evaluation and can therefore recognize patterns in the results, even when conducting interviews freely..

We guarantee you high methodological standards and therefore valid and reliable results.

We derive clear recommendations for action from the in-depth interviews that strike a balance between methodological optimality and practicability.

Contact us

Melanie Kröger
UX Researcher Manager

Melanie Kröger

Melanie Kröger
UX Research Manager